SMILE 2 is the official image metrology software for the PSI EUV resist screening program. It was developed to provide a simple tool for the measurement of SEM images line and space patterns and contact arrays. SMILE can measure LWR, LER and correlation length of line/space images. It can measure contact-holes array images and display various contact-related metrics. SMILE is still under development and some of its features are still experimental. For any question or comments, please contact me by email.

To cite SMILE in a publication, please refer to this paper: Iacopo Mochi, Michaela Vockenhuber, Timothée Allenet, Yasin Ekinci, "Contacts and lines SEM image metrology with SMILE," Proc. SPIE 11855, Photomask Technology 2021, 1185502 (27 September 2021); DOI: 10.1117/12.2600911

Installers and source code download

The zip archives include the installer files, a few test images for lines/space patterns and contact/hole patterns and the corresponding parameter files. If the installer will check the presence of the MATLAB runtime and, if it doesn't find it, will prompt the user to download it before completing the installation process.
Version OS Development status Description Release date
SMILE 2.3.3 Windows 11 Stable Can export the average PSD data. Added a "Batch mode" checkbox to process multiple subfolders automatically - Fixed a bug in the calculation of the average CD for the selected images (last row in the table). 2024/11/06
SMILE 2.3.1 source code MATLAB 2022a Stable For MATLAB 2022a 2023/07/04
SMILE 2.2.0 Windows 10 Beta Improvements to the GUI. Exporting PSD and lines profiles now possible. Can run without Admin privileges. 2022/07/28
SMILE 2.2.0 source code MATLAB 2021b Beta For MATLAB 2021b 2022/07/28
SMILE 2.1.1 Windows 10 Stable Official image metrology software for the PSI EUV resist screening program 2022/02/22
SMILE 2.1.1 macOS 12.1 (M1) Stable Official image metrology software for the PSI EUV resist screening program 2022/02/22
SMILE 2.1.1 source code MATLAB 2021b Stable For MATLAB 2021b 2022/02/22
SMILE 2.1.1 source code MATLAB 2021a Stable For MATLAB 2021a 2022/02/22

Legacy versions

Version OS Development status Description Release date
SMILE 1.0 Windows 10 Stable Image metrology software for L/S only 2021/10/03
SMILE 1.0 source code MATLAB 2021a Stable 2021/10/03